Did you miss our Med Student AMA webinar? Not to worry, we have the full recap and highlights here where we talked with four med student panelists as they discuss MCAT prep, med school applications, and med school life.
Host: Adam Grey, Director of Educational Programs at Sketchy, Founder & Architect of MCAT Program
Special Guest: Camden McDowell, MS3 at the Rutgers RWJMS and Princeton University MD-PhD Program, Blueprint | Med School Tutor
Victoria Humphrey - PGY2 Dermatology Resident - Harvard
Marcus Hendricks - 3rd year at American University of Antigua College of Medicine
Tyler Whitney - 4th year at University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
Here’s the highlights from the webinar.
MCAT prep is a hot topic. Which resources do you use? How do you plan out a study schedule? Here are the key takeaways and if you want to read more we’ve got plenty of blogs to guide you:
- Take a practice test at the beginning of your MCAT prep. This will help you understand the testing style so you know what to expect as you study.
- Also take a practice test as you get closer to your exam so you can gauge your timing and be able to pace yourself throughout the exam.
- Explore different study resources but ultimately choose only a couple to utilize when you’re studying. You don’t want to be bogged down with too many books, websites, flashcards that you have to switch between.
- Understand your learning style and find resources that match that style.
Med School Applications
The number one tip on any application from our panelists was to be yourself. Med schools receive thousands of applications, you have to understand who you are and what makes you stand out. Here are some other key takeaways:
- Most interviews now are virtual, so test your webcam and microphone. Maybe get a ring light. Do test calls with your friends and family to ensure you have a great set up. After all, the more you feel comfortable in your surroundings the better you'll be in your interview.
- Practice interview questions, but don’t be overly rehearsed. You’re human. You’re speaking to a human. Be genuine in your answers.
- When asking for a recommendation, ask people who know you, who saw you participate in class or know how you were engaged in extracurricular activities.
Med School Life
Our panelist lastly had some advice once you start your med school journey and most of it revolved around finding a balance. A balance between studying, your classes, your well-being and what makes you happy. Here are the key takeaways:
- Pre-clinical years were spent studying a lot during the day. Most of the panelists watched the Sketchy lesson that corresponds with the lecture prior to class to get an understanding beforehand.
- Med students aren’t meant to study 24/7, so find what works for you. Find the balance and make the most of your time.
- When you’re struggling, reach out early and often. If it’s to your peers, your professors, or your family. Find your support system.
And that about sums it up for our Med Student AMA. If you wanna dive deep into another webinar check out our Medical Resident AMA! If you want to read more from other med students, check out Eden Fries' blog Apply to Med School as a Non-Traditional Student and Tyler Whitney's blog Sketchy Study Strategies for Maximizing Retention.