It might not be getting Y2K attention, but 2022 is nearly in the books. And you know what that means. It’s time to practice writing 3’s again. And…it’s time for 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and what you should focus on as a pre-med in the new year.
Resolution #1: Update (or Start) My Personal Statement
Okay so maybe “Ever since I was five I knew I wanted to be a neuroradiologist” isn’t the best way to start your personal statement. We get it—you’ve been on the pre-med path a while. So have a lot of people. When you write your personal statement, try writing about an experience that is a bit more unique to you. This experience doesn’t have to be related to medicine to give medical schools a glimpse of who you are and what will make you a great future doctor. Just remember: when it comes to writing your personal statement, give yourself a lot of time. Writing is revising. So don’t delay getting that first draft down. Then, let it sit a while, and come back to it with fresh eyes.
Resolution #2: Make a MCAT Schedule
Get organized this January and make a schedule so that you know just how many pilates classes you can fit between stats and psychology. Be intentional with your time and map out milestones throughout the year. Include important dates—like when you are planning on taking the MCAT, when you want to submit your AMCAS, and your mom’s birthday. Oh and block off a few minutes here and there to watch Sketchy videos about all the topics on the MCAT.
Resolution #3: Choose an MCAT Study Resource
If you’re facing the MCAT this year, start off 2023 by identifying your key study resources. Sketchy has the full package to help you ace the MCAT. Plus you’ll actually remember organic chemistry. And you might find that Sketchy helps you through next semester’s physics class too. Just a heads up though, with Sketchy you might actually enjoy studying. Hahahahaha. But seriously.
Resolution #4: Call My Family and Friends
Liking an IG post is swell. And tweeting is…well tweeting. Voice messages are still messages. So don’t forget to have a good ol’ fashioned conversation, like in real time, with your biggest fans and confidants. Becoming a doctor is a long journey, and having a strong support system makes all the difference.
Resolution #5: Daily CARS Practice
Everyday. Every. Single. Day. Read CARS-like stuff. We’re talking about articles in the Economist, opinion pieces in major newspapers, your philosophy textbook. Kidding, that last one is totally optional.
Resolution #6: Form a MCAT Study Group
Is your biology lab partner also pre-med? Is there a pre-med club at your school? Do you have friends with a similar MCAT test date? Are we just asking questions?
Seriously though, why not have a study buddy who you can share study sessions with and bounce ideas off. Two or three heads are better than one when you’re stuck on that biology topic.
Resolution #7: Make a Bucket List of Things to Do Before Med School
Yes, your life will be consumed by studying for and taking the MCAT, applying to medical school, and conducting interviews. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build some fun into the year. Start making that bucket list because once you get into med school, you’ll be uh…busy.
Resolution #8: Build Strong Study Habits
It might feel like you have college figured out, but there’s always room to improve when it comes to managing stress, studying smarter, and cultivating better time management skills. Medical school starts off fast. Really fast. And it doesn’t slow down. If you have a strong foundation, you’ll be in a better position to handle the fire hose of information.
Resolution #9: Gain Clinical Experience
If you haven’t started already—and it’s totally okay if you haven’t—start looking for opportunities to gain experience in the medical field. As a pre-med, not only will this be important on your AMCAS, but it’ll also give you a taste of what your future holds. Shadowing a physician is a great option, which you can read more about here. Also consider volunteering at your local hospital.
Resolution #10: Build Relationships with Faculty Members and Supervisors
Bio, chem, physics, calc. There’s a lot to learn. But that’s just the beginning when it comes to all the ins and outs of actually applying and getting accepted to medical school. Having mentors to guide you throughout your MCAT and med school journey is critical. Plus they can provide you with letters of recommendation. When you’re developing these relationships, make sure your personality, your work ethic, and your dedication shine through—all qualities they can reference in a recommendation.
There you have it, ten New Year’s resolutions for any pre-med. Remember, New Year’s resolutions are easier to stick with when there’s a number that you can measure. Define how many hours you want to shadow a doctor, how many MCAT resources you want to use, how many phone calls you plan to make each week to family.
Oh and be sure to document your journey throughout the year. You’ll be amazed at how much can change, and it’s always fun to look back. Now, where’s that bucket list?
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This article is part of a series of collaborative posts with Blueprint Prep, you can check out Blueprint’s last blog on how to plan your senior year as a pre-med.